International Year of Biodiversity 2010

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Event GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop for West Africa

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Period [19/07/2011 - 21/07/2011]
Event location CapeView Hotel Mamba Point, Sekou Toure Avenue
Host World Bank, GEF, UNEP, EPA
Contact person World Bank, GEF
Contributor Jonathan Davies
Geographical coverage Monrovia ,Liberia,
Keywords finance, support,

A meeting of the West African Constituency  will meet in Monrovia from the 19th to the 21st of July, 2011 at the Cape Viewt Hotel. A total of fifty (50) participants from West African Countries will assemble in Monrovia from the 18th of July and depart on the 22nd of the same month.

The meeting will discuss the System for Transparent Allocation of Resources under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under the various mulitlateral environmental agreements and support for the next four years will be high on the agenda.

Resources persons and technical experts from the GEF, UNEP, and the World Bank will conduct the meeting.